Private Lessons

Private Lessons

Private lessons with Instructor Ray Gates are available by appointment and are subject to availability. Private lessons are usually one-to-one or small group (size negotiable however usually no more than 2-3 people) size and booked in hourly blocks up to two hours. They can be held at any private venue or public area that does need to be booked through a third party (eg: public park). In all cases the student is responsible for meeting any costs associated with the venue, including rental, security deposits, and any other fees or charges.

Private lessons can be held for anyone – you do not need to be a current member of Wisconsin Tai Chi Academy. Members of Wisconsin Tai Chi Academy can arrange private lessons to continue/further/refine their current learning. Non-members will generally learn the Beijing 24 Forms unless by prior agreement with the Instructor.

Private lesson rates start at $50/hr or part thereof, and are adjusted based on the number of attendees and the travel distance (first 10 miles covered in the basic fee). Fee will be determined and advised prior to scheduling a lesson. Once scheduled, the lesson will be confirmed upon the receipt of the fee – a timeframe to pay the fee and confirm the lesson will be provided upon scheduling. Private lessons can be rescheduled up to 24 hours prior to the confirmed time by contacting the Instructor. Fees are non-refundable, however can be transferred to another date/time, or used as credit towards class fees.

To request scheduling of a private lesson please use the form below.

Are you a current member of Wisconsin Tai Chi Academy?(required)
This is a (choose one):(required)

Please note: submission of this form does not guarantee that a private lesson will be able to be arranged, and is dependent on availability. Scheduling and confirmation of the lesson will be done by email. If the Instructor is not available for any of your preferred times you will be given other options. There is no commitment to attending the lesson by either the Instructor or the participant(s) until the lesson has been confirmed. If you have any questions please contact us prior to submitting this form.